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发表于 2014-10-7 16:37  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
a pseudonym

In Jiaonan Wangtaipu town,woolrich outlet, there is a large village named Yang. August 4 evening, a nearly seventy years old man in a quarrel with neighbors, actually holding a shovel pixiang neighbors, arms still holding a neighbor was only seven months old boy. Panic at the sound of people, boy closed his eyes, he just left the familiar world. And that elderly people,http://www.novalug.ca/cgi-bin/index.cgi,air jordan pas cher, it happens in the future,http://mail.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/photos/search.cgi, returned to the house alone, drank a bottle of pesticide, on the 5th morning, the news of death of the old man came from the hospital. What makes the quarrel between neighbors turned into a tragedy?
On A ground, but also keep the baby's blood
Big Yang village is located about 4 km Town Jiaonan Wangtaipu small village and surrounded by fields. 5 morning,http://champion-fukuoka.com/bbs/bbs.cgi, the reporter walked into the village to investigate the matter. A Yangxing old man told reporters, "The baby is now only seven months old, so no, really terrible." Said the old man, "the child's grandfather effect Jiao Yang Jun (sound), with that Mr Young (a pseudonym) is a neighbor , across the middle on a small dirt road. "For the specific case, the old man said, and knowledge. Reporters after asking several times, and finally came to site of the incident. There are a small dirt road between the two pieces, the top covered with some loess, there are many messy footprints, as well as a pool of blood on it.
Yang insider said: "It was 16 o'clock, I saw someone carrying objects Yang Xiao Jun,http://www.tochigi-edu.ed.jp/ashikagakogyo/cgi-local/robot/gwbbs.cgi, her face full of blood and then the children have been covered in blood holding out his arm already drooping,tiffany outlet, evidently has. die two of them soon on the car 120, one will be taken away. specific reasons I do not know, just know who Mr Young was holding a shovel the same thing toward the object Luanpi Yang Xiao Jun and his Object arms still holding grandson. her escape when suffered a head several times, and her grandson's head was also split up. just passing through here was a woman, after seeing and quickly hit 110 and I in the past when Mr Young had disappeared, I heard locked in their own homes, we did not dare tamper with,hollister france, waiting for the police to come. "
B in their own home,http://www.chinareninusa.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=245918, drank a bottle of pesticide
Yang said that followed, the police came over. They know that after Mr Young went home, knocked on his door and continue to propaganda. But the knock for a long time, there is no movement. Later, several police together with a tool to pry open the door. "I heard the police say that Mr Young has Yao, and died in the hospital."
Are neighbors to each other, in the end what's hatred, reporters in the interview, many villagers said the two families had been arguing, the village an old man, said:. "Originally, both as a neighbor, very good relationship, but the last few years, because of a small,hogan outlet, two more deep contradiction. Yang Xiao Jun's home terrain is relatively high, but Mr Young family lying low. Yang Xiao Jun outfall home but not the south west, and the west side is Mr Young home. Whenever under Rain,http://www6.airnet.ne.jp/yossy/diary2/diary.cgi, rain Yang Xiao Jun will go home Mr Young doorstep emission direction in our rural areas there is a saying, someone's dirty water discharged doorstep is very auspicious. Therefore,http://www.trekbbs.com/forumdisplay.cgi, the two often quarreled because of this Monday in the village and down the rain And 3:30 yesterday afternoon, when the tragedy occurred. "
C Raymond Young's four sons all left the village
Adorable grandson is gone, his wife has yet out of danger, waited at the hospital Yang Xiao Jun has been physically and mentally exhausted,air jordan pas cher, and he is now on the one hand to appease the son and daughter of emotions, on the one hand have to worry about any time are likely to leave his wife.
Yang Xiao Jun said:. "That day I was out working, only his wife own at home, at home watching her grandson,http://seo-directories.info/regist_ys.cgi,mulberry outlet, 16:30 or so, I received a relative's phone, so I quickly realized I had to go home and bad things happen. When I arrived home, saw the scene ...... "
Yang Xiao Jun is a farmer,moncler sito ufficiale, his son and daughter working in the factory,hogan, the child is a person of all hope, however,hollister france, the day after how to do, he did not dare to continue imagination.
Subsequently,hogan outlet, the reporter contacted the big Yeung Ka Tsuen village, listening to the villagers said, village people are already out. Subsequently, the reporter by telephone to the village of Yang Shuji, he told reporters that this happened in their village, he was shocked. He told reporters on the phone: "After Mr Young Yao immediately sent to hospital for emergency treatment, but the early morning,abercrombie pas cher, when life did not keep Mr Young had four sons, who live together with three sons after the incident,. Parents of boy hit very large, four sons Raymond Young worried deceased family revenge, all left the village. plot this matter is very serious, we have no right to interfere in the village, all handed over to the public security authorities. "
Afterward, the reporter learned through Jiaonan City police, the police are further investigating the matter. Text / Chart reporter Liu Zhen Yu Liang



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