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and paid twice as compensation. Meanwhile

The court held that the Electric Company ",http://www.amarilfranklin.com.br/index.php?option=com_blog&view=blog?" Written "inch" is a fraud
Intern reporter Han Jingwei Wang Zichen
WASHINGTON "inch" and "?" Are different units of measurement,http://bbs.scigy.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=131957, Henan Electric Company in advertising because there is no clear distinction between two words, the court identified as civil fraud. Erqi District Court July 25 ruling on the case: the defendant was ordered Electric Company "1 + 1" Wang 6,http://www.xn--fhq71gdsi8ywc4yp6d.com/news/html/?483688.html,590 yuan compensation for consumers.
Consumers sue: "?" "Inch" is different, requiring double compensation
Zhengzhou public Wang on July 8, 2011 saw an electrical company in Henan advertising, advertising that a certain brand 46-inch LED TV to launch trade activity, activity time July 8 to 31, 2009. After Ms. Wang and his family to discuss, on July 16 to the electric company affiliated stores, to 6590 yuan to buy one of the models of color TV sets, shopping malls turn up the goods sent to Ms. Wang's home. After Ms. Wang found that the size is not a 46-inch color TV, the actual size is inconsistent with the advertisement published in 46 ?, content. Wang maintained that the business of publishing false information to induce consumers to buy color TV, is a fraud.
Because both parties failed, Ms. Wang namely Erqi district court proceedings, the request shall order the defendant to refund Shopping 6590 yuan, 6590 yuan to double compensation.
Court ruling: Seller "1 + 1" compensation for consumers
The court held that the operators to provide goods or services fraud, he shall compensate the losses suffered by consumers whose demands compensation for consumers to purchase price of goods or services received twice the cost. The defendant in this case when advertisers will "?" Written as "inch" to make false propaganda, fraud, shall be returned to the plaintiff shopping money, and paid twice as compensation. Meanwhile,http://79139.com/w/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=306461&fromuid=122171, Ms. Wang should be purchased TV return mall.
In accordance with the provisions of article 49 of the "People's Republic of China Consumer Protection Law,http://www.yklife.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=44206,basket nike air max," the court order the defendant to an electrical company returned to the plaintiff Wang Shopping section 6590 yuan and 6590 yuan compensation, totaling 13,http://www.ytscgwztc.com/news/html/?756.html,180 yuan.
The judge saying: ",http://bbs.cnlxjkw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3658868&fromuid=134183?" "Inch" and there are differences
Erqi Court Judge Li Li said that the so-called consumer fraud operators act refers to operators in the provision of goods or services, to take false or other improper means to deceive, mislead consumers, so that the legitimate interests of consumers harmed behavior. This case the use of the mass media to make false propaganda for commodities, it belongs to such situations. Measured in accordance with the relevant provisions, the display size refers to panels diagonal size, in inches (1 inch equals 2.54cm), referred to as "?." 46 inches into a 46-inch monitor can not say (about one inch equals 3.33cm),http://www.9966sk.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=1678/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, should be 46 ?.



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