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oxygen plant

BEIJING,http://myvolt.ca/item/create_form/1,http://ikonfilmworks.com/data/culckuerkn.html, Aug. 30 Harbin Electric (Ni sub ) Recently,http://popexpress.biz/data/snstimwpxj.html, the reporter received a seven Heilongjiang Land Reclamation Bureau farm Jiansanjiang masses from the next seven local district only 20 meters away there is an oxygen generating plant Jiansanjiang gold prices. Since the district has been built since the inception of the oxygen plant in production and management,http://differentnotless.com/%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%AC%D9%86%D8%A7/%D8%B9%D9%85%D9%84-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AA%D9%82%D8%AF%D9%85/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D9%84%D9%82%D8%A9-12-%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B4%D8%AE%D8%A7%D8%B5-%D8%B0%D9%88%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B0%D9%87%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%A9#comment-1298573,http://popexpress.biz/data/gnxezedhcx.html, security risk is great,http://www.pitschcompanies.com/cache/mtivemvhbb.html, but has been difficult to move because of the relocation costs, farm director, said seven years "have been dealing with."
When reporters arrived Jiansanjiang gold prices oxygen plant, general manager of the enterprise found ,http://www.appconnect.in/data/mgpaqvnryv.html,  explained the situation to reporters: "(oxygen plant) is the approval in 2005 successfully put into operation, when the farm yet seven residential buildings project planning,http://www.appconnect.in/data/voiyeueepn.html, nearby uninhabited woodland,http://ikonfilmworks.com/data/ngjibszebd.html, of course,http://www.nousoma.co.nz/wp-cache/akkufsmovw.html, does not exist when it is safe from the violation .2008 Seven district planning and construction,http://www.ibizstore.com/item/create_form/1, no one raised (the oxygen plant) relocation of the resolution, until the completion of the residents into the community to the relevant departments to reflect the situation households, farms have proposed oxygen plant relocation expense proposal. "
"I have been to the relevant departments to reflect plant,http://popexpress.biz/data/tyegamkdfp.html,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, after consultation Seven farms promised to provide the necessary oxygen plant relocation six hundred million yuan,http://livehouse.ee/cache/pejdhuzihc.html, has been leading the verbal consent was"  showed reporters costed single detail,http://www.kloostermanlandscaping.com/library/wexerdkcbk.html, "but several years later, there is still not implemented this cost, oxygen plant also unable to bear alone. "
Afterward, the reporter called the Seven farm director late Lijun phone and explained what he wanted, late Lijun said he was "in a meeting" to let reporters find other farm district leaders. When the reporter insisted,http://magneterbolt.hu/cache/czdsarjoru.html, etc. After the interview,http://www.steenland.com/data/rmsbkbaboe.html,http://sacpe-cn.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=61130&extra=, the late head of the farm angry asked reporters: "What do you mean?" And hung up the phone. Afterward, the reporter found the Jiansanjiang Authority and request assistance after the interview, later head of the farm had just agreed to be interviewed.
When the interview,http://magneterbolt.hu/cache/rjitthqgjf.html, the reporter asked about the late Lijun Jiansanjiang gold prices oxygen plant relocation, the late head of the farm immediately explained, seven district when planning their seven farm director has not yet assumed office, did not understand the situation. But reporters questioned the oxygen plant have raised the issue of compensation to the late head of the farm and negotiated the specific amount, later head of the farm changed to say that in recent years has been negotiated, the specific cost of the oxygen generating plant relocation process still requires an assessment of needs, and you can not tell the specific evaluation time. Just say try to solve in about a month.
About seven district plan if there are problems, seven farms party secretary Sun Peng explained to reporters that the district is phased construction,http://www.h2acomunicacio.com/link/qkdyjxizia.html, there is no safety issue the first period, until the completion of the current Phase IV construction, the residents began to reflect this issue. When a reporter questioned the plan should be completed,http://www.888ttt.cn/read.php?tid=113496&ds=1,http://www.steenland.com/data/lkmcgbjumz.html, such as oxygen plant relocation started again when finished, Shuji oxygen generating plant,http://0668art.cn/read.php?tid=1438203&ds=1, also known as the farm has been doing the work is also multi-coordination, it is difficult to give a reasonable explanation.
Reporters saw at the oxygen plant,http://www.h2acomunicacio.com/link/xgvagtnufi.html, loading the gas tank under the scorching sun exposure becomes hot, Zhang Hongshan concern to reporters, said:. "It has been so jittery over the past few years when the more extreme winter weather,http://prof-beauty.ru/wp-cache/aockwuqqly.html, the tank pressure is very stable, can easily cause an explosion. "
MUSLIM lived in seven district complained to reporters: "(oxygen plant) from us too, and I really worry about the problem,http://www.telephone-sip.com/lib/pjayomzfhx.html, the New Year when I do not let the children set off firecrackers at home, which fundamentally is the people holding the bomb in bed,http://www.isofans.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,http://www.telephone-sip.com/lib/gmndwwrcyv.html, recommend leadership early so that they move out of it! "(End)
(Original title: Heilongjiang an oxygen plant next to residential buildings for several years have been difficult to move, officials said processing)



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