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发表于 2014-10-25 01:58  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

WASHINGTON "village Party branch secretary at noon tomorrow for our grandchildren over the age of the large banquet, I heard dozens of tables to gracefully now not prohibit a large banquet party cadres do?" The evening of August 25, Wenchang City, Kam Wang Jinshan Town Village villagers call the newspaper says. Reporters yesterday unannounced visits found that the situation reflects the villagers basically true, yesterday noon, the village party secretary Liang put out more than 30 banquet tables to their grandchildren over the years of age, to receive gifts of acts scene. Kam Town Commission for Discipline Inspection of the responsible person, the party secretary had not received prior declaration. Kam Town Commission for Discipline Inspection will be involved in the investigation. Reporter trainee reporter Luoqing Rui Hui Fei Wen / map
A total swing of more than 30 banquet tables
A person responsible for gifts of gold site
Party secretary ready to put on a large birthday feast grandson
Wang told reporters, ready to feast grandson is over the age of Kam village Party branch secretary Liang Jinshan Town. As early as a few days before, the local villagers to know the news. "Said party secretary when his son did not get married that year feast,abercrombie homme, now one year old grandson took advantage of the opportunity to go through the banquet." Mr. Wang said that he and other villagers learned the news, this time prepared to put dozens of tables Liang banquet, many villagers have received an invitation to drink.
Wang said, shortly before the typhoon, Kam Town affected quite serious, and now the villagers are active in the production of self-help, and village officials have a large banquet to her grandchildren had years of age, which can not be justified from some sense. "Anyway, there is always the opportunity to extort money is suspect, right?" Wang said.
Reporters unannounced visits
Banquet put up more than 30 tables, the scene was gold gifts
11:00 yesterday, reporters rushed to the banquet held in Old Town markets creeper Shigemitsu the road, where a few dozen meters from the Jinshan Village office distance from Kam Town government nor a few hundred meters. When reporters arrived on the scene, the feast has begun.
Reporters on the scene saw the vegetable market area of ??two to three hundred square meters, more than a dozen pillars hold up a roof, surrounded by open, the venue filled with tables and chairs, side tables have been filled most the guests. Reporters on the scene a bit rough count, there were more than 30 tables, each table sat beside seven or eight individuals. There is a close with the color of the cloth take the simple shed on the south side of the open space as a temporary simple kitchen. When reporters arrived, the dish has been basically good, simple shed on the pot also placed under several steamer. Some villagers are constantly on the ground dish.
"This is a birthday feast Liang Shuji to her grandchildren do you?" Reporter asked about the number of guests to attend the banquet, have received a positive answer. A man claiming to be relatives of Liang Shuji also kept greeted reporters, "You are Liang Shuji friends, right? Gifts to the table on the other side of the line." In the south where most markets placed a wooden table, table a man charged in the registration book and gift ceremony. Eat banquet has been opened, there have been guests to register the names and gifts of gold.
Reporters noted that gift book has been recorded over several pages. Points up and down a page two columns, each column recorded a dozen names, the names below indicate the amount of gifts, gifts ranging from 200 yuan to 600 yuan. "I do not see how Liang Shuji ah, we want to congratulate him for." Gifts of gold in the next table, the reporter inquired, "You are the gifts left on the line, Liang Shuji will see, Liang Shuji himself today and did not come to the banquet scene. "one man said. The reporter then left the scene.
Working hours deserted village doors locked
Reporter then went to Jinshan village interview. Although not to the working hours, but the village doors locked. "Come back to work tomorrow,opl80A8G89, do not go to work today, the village cadres." Next to the village office a street vendor said.
"Today is Tuesday, village how nobody office do?" Reporter asked the vendors. Not far away, pointing to the vendors, said party secretary home to her grandchildren do age wine, village cadres went drinking.
Yesterday afternoon,wzKx0DiE1k, the reporter once again tried to contact the village party secretary Liang Jinshan, voice prompts phone was switched off.
For the party secretary to her grandchildren do birthday feast concerned, local villagers talking about. Some villagers said that the party secretary at home do not have to let them go banquet screenwriters. As a grass-roots party members and cadres, doing so is a bit outdated, "Anyway, there is suspicion of money-making opportunity, right?" But there are villagers do not agree, saying it is the local custom, "and the field motionless put more than 100 tables with ratio, Liang Shuji has nothing to do, right? "one villager said.
Kam Town Commission for Discipline Inspection
Not received prior declaration, will be involved in the investigation
It is understood that for some leading cadres take matters lavish weddings and the opportunity to collect money phenomenon, various cities and counties the province developed a "Communist state personnel weddings significant events reporting system," the Communist Party clearly defined member of the staff of state organs must make arrangements for weddings and festive activities for examination and approval, and limited only relatives who entertained Communists non relatives, state personnel will be allowed to accept and participate in the dinner, gift envelopes are not allowed. The feast usually run by a maximum of 10 tables.
Reporters yesterday to Kam Town, Wenchang City Government interview. The village Party branch secretary Liang Jinshan do birthday feast for grandson issue, town mayor Han Jin Song Yuan said he did not know. "According to regulations, party cadres feast is the need to apply for approval beforehand, but we did not know in advance of this situation." Han Song said that, if the investigation is the case, will be addressed.
Kam Town Commission for Discipline relevant responsible person said, Wenchang City Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a similar requirement that party cadres week in advance to make arrangements for the feast of the time, place, object, and scale to the discipline inspection departments to declare for the record, but they had not received Liang The declaration, to make arrangements for Liang grandson birthday feast for the issue,px3AkKe2fa, they will be involved in the investigation.
(Original title: birthday party secretary for grandchildren too large banquet)



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