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I can not remember

Some people did not know until he is caught fake
Dialogue suspects:
Some people did not know until he is caught replace fake number is to mimic "I was special forces."
Express reporter Wang Chen
November 21, Cangshan police held a press conference to announce the investigation of the case "11.5" trickster posing as soldiers case. Detention center in the hills, the Express reporter saw the part of the suspects. Police said the trial was further carried out the arrest has not been brought to justice on other gangs have also been carried out.
"Lieutenant" Chen trees: I have to lie to nearly 600,000
Chen forest only 21 years old, act as guards at the event. Until they were arrested, he did not know his identity is false.
Spent nearly 600,000 when a "soldier"
Express: how do you enter this institution?
Chen trees: After graduating from high school,air max soldes, I always wanted enlisted soldier, the family also put out to find that savings opportunities. Later, the family was introduced to the people here, they give them money again this summer went to Guangxi base.
Express: Do you trust the identity of this organization do? No doubt,http://www.jerryest.com/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=10&topic=4763?
Chen trees: the beginning I was very skeptical. Because they initially lied to us, saying it was going to do in Kunshan police, firefighters actually contract. But the family has been cheated them to continue to spend money, and later went to Guangxi.
Express: how much money you spend around,basket jordan pas cher?
Chen trees: Integer I calculated that around 570,000 more than it should have, all kinds of little money to buy meals and the like, there are many, there was a total of over 60 million.
Had several suspicious
Express: where they have to make you doubt?
Chen forest: always secretive, so few people. He (Zhou Changsheng) would not let me out much contact, repeatedly told us to be confidential. But every time I started to ask him, he will be explained in the past. For example, he said, institutions are the preparatory stage, so relatively few people. In addition, he has said that immediately come to me with a large number of recruits, but still did not come.
Express: In this organization, you everyday what day?
Chen trees: We live in a dormitory two people, me and Dr. We get up at half past seven requirements eat breakfast, housekeeping quarters and an army. During the day in general is training and learning lessons. Training is mainly practice martial arts and military capacity Junzi, Zhou Changsheng teach martial arts, he let us call him "master." Sometimes also study music, Chinese culture and art. I took the laptop at night in the dormitory on the Internet on their own.
Express: What are your tasks?
Chen trees: usually is clean clean dormitories, meeting rooms and the like Health, and Dr night I will stand guard on duty, is waiting outside  dorm, they do not stand, the basic is to sleep on the sofa.
"Soldier" for three months income 1400
Express: spending is how you count?
Chen trees: meals and accommodation are their possession, but other household items,http://psj2013.bn169.net/mlclub/home.php?mod=space&uid=77312, daily expenses are home to fight money to me, my own responsibility. In addition to the time made a living uniforms and other equipment, they did not give me anything else, just send in a Mid-Autumn Festival holiday costs.
Express: How much hair,http://www.siyangtv.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=621615?
Chen forest: 1400 cash. There moon cake, I return home.
"A little angry, that they do not respect us."
Express: Your system Yan it,jordan 14?
Chen trees: There are many regulations, such as individuals are not allowed to inquire about specific information to each other, are not allowed to go out without permission. Sometimes Zhou Changsheng weekend will take us out to eat a morning tea, eat dinner or something, which is relatively large relaxed, other times, basically stay in the mountains.
Express: You also performed other task?
Chen trees: No, this is the first time. They did not say specifically what I was told,http://xybh.cc/news/html/?22612.html, saying only that the transfer of a prisoner to the hills, I do not know the specific name.
Express: When entering the public security bureau of your mind how to think?
Chen trees: I except a little nervous, is no longer afraid. Because I think my identity is true. Before departure, Zhou Changsheng always said that we represent just one party. I think is a good job done, no thought of anything else. Photography of people come to shoot me, I was a little angry,tn nike pas cher, that they do not respect us.
Although whispered, but also want a good mission
Express: When did you begin to doubt their own identity?
Chen trees: From Liu Dian love a little impatient to start. He said the gate waiting to go,http://www.shyuanyao.com.cn/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=1131803, but was stopped by police in the hospitality room, he and Gu Xin ("Colonel") continues to call to smoke, I think our identity is not recognized by the public security, it seems a bit wrong.
Express: But you still sit up straight in the hospitality room.
Chen trees: Yes, although skeptical, but I still did not think we fully is a fake, so I still want to take to perform the task. Police arrested until we came in, I guess all of a sudden, the agency estimated that there is a problem. The suspect also once previously confirmed. But it was too late.
"I shot a lot there,tn air max pas cher."
Express: What are you most worried about?
Chen trees: most worried about at home parent body. Parents getting old, they spent a lifetime savings military wanted me to read, let me promise, but can not think of such a big joke sudden. I gave them ashamed.
Express: Do you think this is a joke?
Chen trees: Yes, police showed me a "news network", there have been a lot of my shots, I feel very ashamed. I always wanted a soldier, do military is one of my ideals, to perform tasks when I am seriously very hard,air jordan 5 pas cher, think is entirely a hoax. But I also 21 years old, and although I was a victim, but need to take responsibility, I am willing to bear.
"Heads" Zhou Changsheng: to save him for the money
is the boss behind the remote event that this had come from other members of the self-proclaimed "Iron Eagle commando," the 32-year-old Shandong, this time face with apologetic,woolrich milano, admitted that he came up with a "military institutions,basket air jordan pas cher, cheated his brother." However, he would describe himself as a philanthropist without self-interest, saying everything they do is for charity, this is the first time in his police record different.
Express: There are other members say is you lied only joined this institution. For example you gave, "Lieutenant" rank Chen, he said he did not know, he was trying to read the Military Academy.
Zhou Changsheng: Yes. Chen is a good kid,peuterey donna, and I lied to him for months, the impact of his life, I am very sorry.
Express: Using false documents to defraud the public security organs in, do not you think this is very risky to do it? Netizens think your behavior is absurd.
Zhou Changsheng: Maybe I'm ages now.
Express: Want rescued previously been arrested Xu Yongqi,nike tn, you are out of loyalty or fear he put out for you?
Zhou Changsheng: No, his behavior and I'm okay. I have to save him is to get a start-up capital. Him a sum of money, to save him out on the money, I can start my charity. I need the money.
Express: Other members said that you will be a lot of things, art, music city. What you've done?
Zhou Changsheng: I graduated from elementary school, but grew up like art. I read art school after junior high school, art and music are slightly through twelve, I also have to pursue the arts.
Express: Why camouflage military, the establishment of this "military institution"?
Zhou Changsheng: I do not want to set up the army, just want to be militarized management, this is my approach to management. I now feel most guilty of these is my brother, and they trusted me, but by my wasted life.
Express: But fraud Zhang, posing as soldiers, these are illegal.
Zhou Changsheng: My fundamental purpose is to do charity. I think with the militarization of the management of the organization to do it, then charity. "Special monitoring mechanism" is only temporary thought, no other bad ideas. I put the charity to do it,air jordan pas cher femme, I'll cancel the military mechanism.
"Colonel" Liu Dian love: "It's like a dream to do."
Twenty days after being arrested in the past, the video speak most impressive "Colonel" Liu Dian love has grown bearded, so reporters did not recognize at a glance. Mention the details of deception, Liu Dian love deliberately avoided, saying only that he is a "spur of the moment, too absurd."
Express: You've been in the Public Security Bureau in great voice, seemed very confident.
Liu Dian love: that is was a little impulsive.
Express: "People's Republic of China Secrecy Act," this argument is that you want a temporary, or until there plans?
Liu Dian love: I can not remember, there is an idea of ??the factors of it.
Express: Police officers did not recognize your identity,http://www.csports.cn/sc/home.php?mod=space&uid=19465, you feel entering the public security organs to defraud, the probability of success of his life?
Liu Dian love: is simply absurd, how likely to succeed. I do not understand how we can so impulsive, and I now feel like doing a dream.
Express: But according to other people accountable,chaussures nike tn, you have to open several meetings to discuss the times, but also assigned a code, your code is Asian leopard.
Liu Dian love: those are a joke,http://wiki.oldhousebible.com/Main_Page, in fact, did not practice it. We are a small piece of paper attached to a person who reads the code, out of Wuhan also called a few times each code, and later confused, can not remember.
Express: called the Code is to protect the identity?
Liu Dian love: no. I think, and "I am special forces" almost there then a mean.
Express: Chen trees that he was cheated, you lied to him?
Liu Dian love: he is indeed cheated, do not know anything. But, in fact, I think I was cheated.
■ reporter's notes
This is not a comedy farce
Before the interview, go on Cangshan County Linyi City bus, I am going to sleep for a while, he was the driver and passenger heated discussion awakened,http://bbs.wdyx360.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=176080, what I want to discuss the subject of the interview content. "You say these guys are not seventeen eight children, is the movie to see more of it?" The driver said. Get off into the town on a motorized tricycle I mention this thing, drivers are immediately excited: "all on" Focus "it is really a wonderful thing what thing has ah." You almost pull off any passers-by, can give a version of his understanding on this matter.
In late November, Shandong has wind attacks, less than 5:00 pm on the day was completely dark, the streets are deserted. But somehow, the whole town but because the officers leave this thing to liven up - like in the winter a Surreal, imbued with comedy colors. But the gang of "officer" staged bizarre drama, but it is by no means acting intention to entertain the public. A police told me that a bunch of fake officer why there is so much courage, because in addition to the long-term deception exercise, but because they have been there once before in Guangxi successfully deceived the police station interrogation.
What impressed me the most profound is the "bodyguard" Chen, the only 21-year-old youth, quite soldier gestures in the video qualities, many netizens exclaimed, "very handsome, great range of children." To some extent, Chen is also a victim, to the army, his family and even spent large sums of money. And the reason why liars always popular, and frequently surprising move, is that the use of the military is that people are not familiar with. Chen is simply because there is this hope, "looking for opportunities" to cut corners person. Because I believe a liar, he cheated, then crooks use to defraud, from this perspective, this is not a comedy. Source: New Express



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