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发表于 2014-10-19 07:16  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

And firefighters deadlocked over four hours under her daughter has rescued
(Reporter Xie Yingjun photo coverage) suspect because it was abandoned by her boyfriend,giubbotto woolrich prezzi, a young woman holding a 3-year-old daughter climbed up to 6 meters high from the high-voltage tower. It is 7:00 yesterday morning occurred near the old town of Lang Zhang Wan Road, Lai Hong Wetland thing.
The "jump tower show" great fuss of life of nearby residents. The young woman holds female suicidal approach also attracted people accused: too selfish.
Women embrace girls climbed up electrical towers
9:00 yesterday, reporters sped old Zhang Wan Road, Lai Hong Wetland Park in front of the road, I saw the front of a high-voltage tower cordoned off, police cars, fire engines and ambulances were present alert, rescue cushions expand laying in front of the tower. In nearly six meters high from the ground, a young woman wearing a purple shirt holding a about three year-old girl, sitting unsteadily electric tower steel shelves.
"From 7:00 in the morning she would climb much above go." One household, told reporters that she does not like "determined to commit suicide" look, climbing only 6 meters will no longer go up, still stubbornly hold the steel frame, the questioning of aid workers also occasionally answering twelve.
Police "moved" to put a child
"Or let the kids come down,5gh9SF3TG2, the sun so fierce." Tower,aMI6bvbRuB, police and firefighters endlessly for the rescue efforts of both mother and daughter. Some saw the little girl crying, rescue workers handed seize the opportunity to climb the ladder of mineral water. After the woman took the attitude mineral eased and 10:42 or so, agreed to allow rescue workers to hold the little girl first under high-voltage tower. 11:45,iug2OBv0c4, exposure under the sun, the woman appeared to collapse phenomenon. Rescue workers climbed the steel frame, hold her live rescued. Reporters saw that the woman was helped on the ambulance leave.
According to an insider involved in the rescue afterwards revealed that the woman and the child is her daughter. The woman told rescuers that she and her boyfriend gave birth to a female, but not long ago with her boyfriend cut off contact. Her boyfriend had come to the place of work, staged a "jump tower show", hoping to force her boyfriend appeared.
Public: aspirations should not harm children
"She is a child's life at stake, in order to achieve their own purposes, I can only say that my mother was too selfish!" In the field of public Miss Liu told reporters: "If their demands reasonable, you should use a more rational ways to express, not to hurt the child should be at the expense of What kids do not understand, young mind would think this is a mom to do with his own game. "



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