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发表于 2014-10-16 17:35  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

Recently popular network terms "stand ready" hot up. Yuan Fang hundreds of thousands of times a day to be asked, we stand ready to address him; new "rolling his eyes" eye exercises, everyone expressed their readiness to stand ...... recently occurred in a patient who's a real thing, so Chengdu RUNAIR Hospital experts said at any time can not stand!
Exposure families on the verge of bursting ambiguous messages
"How can I do ah?", Who lives in Shuangliu pony came to Chengdu RUNAIR Men's Hospital, sighed repeated this sentence. What is the reason pony so upset it? Pony hesitant beginning secretive,moncler giacche, sorry tells what was going on. Shen Shi, director of andrology expert Yezheng Hong said, "okay, we RUNAIR Hospital is a professional male hospital for patient confidentiality is our duty." After listening to Ye Zhuren remarks, pony slowly talking about their own situation.
The original Pony in married life uninterested in total, over time the feelings between husband and wife on the light, and in particular the recent period, the colt was found having an affair with his wife's cell phone text messages. This makes the pony feel the seriousness of the problem, if they continue like their own family in jeopardy.
Save the family doctor forced hospitalization
Previous proposal pony go to the hospital to see his wife out where the reason, but the Colts do not want to go to the hospital because of the face, so dragged. Eye to see his wife's cell phone ambiguous message, if continued drag on, I am afraid his wife would retain his job, the family also destroyed. Thus, the colt began to actively seek hospital. Through newspaper network channels, pony learned Chengdu RUNAIR Hospital is a convergence with the international professional male hospital,  butler attention to detail spiritual rituals, creating a new, top, change type of male delicate medical services, from treatment demand a number of sub-health care to a full range of exclusive services elite men. Pony decided to go to the hospital to see Shen Shi.
Ambiguous messages turned out to be a doctor in order to stimulate husband
After coming RUNAIR hospital, appeared at the beginning of the scene. Ye Zhuren understanding of the situation after the pony said, "Your situation may be dysfunction,8T4P2fxyzV, the reason there are a lot of men working life stress leads to excessive exertion of men;. Marital relationship is not harmonious,[/url], tense mood caused; bad men habits, smoking, alcohol consumption, itself suffering from disease and other factors,[url=http://www.sjyyt.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=1189093], are likely to affect the sexual life. Depending on your situation, I suggest you better change their attitude, but also to be followed by a comprehensive examination, to see is not what pathology the reason. "
After listening to Ye Zhuren introduction, the colt suddenly become clear, the whole people feel not so depressed. At this point the colt received a call from his wife, after that pony has been to the hospital to check, his wife did tell him the truth.
The original so-called ambiguous messages are deliberately sent his wife to let others, the purpose is to inspire her husband to the hospital. Pony suddenly realized, understand his wife's well-intentioned.
Ye Zhuren practice after that colt wife, expressed their readiness to stand. Although the practice of defects, but also the well-intentioned wife pony, pony Who refused to timely treatment due to face it.
Symptomatic treatment of patients regain a happy family
Pony did not find any major problems after checking, Ye Zhuren to pony taken a series of targeted therapies. Deep psychological communication, eliminate psychological barriers, increase the confidence of the pony; away from the high-frequency pulses to stimulate acupuncture points, activate the cavernous power; negative passive rehabilitation techniques to effectively delay adjustment function; Herbal Treatment consolidate male function. A month later, the colt got married and his wife has returned to a happy life. Reporter Xu Jinlong
(Original title: Stay with SMS stimulate husband wife can not stand to see a doctor!)



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