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发表于 2014-10-6 18:16  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

The reporter intern Liu Lijie Fu Kun recorded correspondent Wang Jun,http://www.dsws.cn/web/?action-viewcomment-type-news-itemid-10,mulberry outlet
Forty years ago because 5 cents in debt, 67-year-old brother, trying to shift the 59-year-old brother killed,peuterey outlet, and move the corpse buried. OK Tang Police launched by the detection work, yesterday,http://www.isofans.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the suspect was arrested Qi boss.
Strange alarm call
At 16:10 on June 13,http://onigdesign.com/error.html,tiffany outlet, the Public Security Bureau County line "110" command center received a call claiming to cover small-day alarm call, said one hour before the bus station in the county west village villagers together two Xingtang Small and Fuping County,abercrombie france, a group of people fighting,moncler outlet, Fuping people will get together for two wounded and taken away on a van. Cover small days and then the police ask what is the relationship together two small "cover small days," claiming it was in a fight scene, Qi two small begged passers-by to help the police, he was the alarm.
Major case, the police quickly found the line Tang public would alarm people,http://tomas8.sourceforge.net/read.php?tid=373191&ds=1, "cover small days" are using it, but the "small cap day" has disappeared. Another group of police police also feedback,http://www.meishu029.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=598812,hollister france, west bus station did not find other people to witness the fight. By "cover small days,http://my.5754.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=," said the village, the police found no "cover small days," this person. Police investigation found that there is a village called together two really small, aged 59,http://my.5754.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, in order to receive waste for a living, to find people that day.
Sunflower leaves found bloodstains
June 15 at noon, the police carry out investigations in the village learned an important situation: Let the two small villages in the 13th Southeast morning had walked.
After careful search, police investigators in the northern village southeast of a sunflower found a lot of blood,hollister, and found broken due to external weighbeam half stained with blood. Identified by the informant, and together these two little half weighbeam previously carried when waste collection weighbeam match.
After the on-site extraction of blood and related evidence for further technical evaluation, police initially identified: QI little is likely to have been killed, the bodies have been transferred, and the possibility of usurpation of vendetta killings have.
Had to call the "alarm" call of celebrity "cover small days" naturally became a key figure involved.
Victims of elder brother suddenly surrendered
Police made a "cover small days," the alarm recording, so nearby villagers identified. Due to "cover small days" sound made camouflage, several people failed to distinguish, but after listening to the recording of a villager in hesitatingly said: "Sounds a bit like how two small elder brother Qi Qi boss ah? "
This has led police on high alert. The investigation,woolrich donna, Qi boss aged 67, widowed, living with the child points, and his brother together two sharing a small village, but not live, it's the responsibility of the contractor field not far from the murder scene, villagers confirmed that on the morning of Qi boss go over responsibility field direction.
Just when the secret police investigation Qi boss, June 15 at 6 pm, Sarkozy, accompanied by his family's boss suddenly surrendered to the public security organs.
Tragedy caused by five cents
According to the suspects confessed Qi Boss: This year, I do not know why, brother Sarkozy repeatedly raised two small 40 years ago to let him repay debts of five cents. Because he did not remember ever borrowed his brother five cents,air jordan pas cher, plus the brothers had not come together on a temper, so I had an argument and abuse, Qi boss in the beatings of several "eat the loss."
June 13 morning, Sarkozy boss in the ground on the way to meet his brother,http://uch.1000000p.com/space.php?uid=81754&do=blog&id=399417, two of whom no one reason. 6 pm, he was in the field hoeing, brother Qi two small bike looking over, again,scarpe hogan, let my brother proposed repayment owed five cents 40 years ago, the two sides and subsequent quarrels and triggered fierce fighting. In the meantime,scarpe hogan, together with two small carry a one meter-long fight together weighbeam stamp boss. Qi boss rage, stature,abercrombie pas cher, physical prevail, he began chasing together two smaller. QI went to a nearby small sunflowers ground tripped, Qi boss snatched weighbeam head banged to his brother, weighbeam broken, his brother died.
Watching his brother's corpse spent 20 minutes later, Qi boss becomes afraid. His brother's bike ride will be in possession of a good home, they opened their homes on the tricycle back to the scene, the brothers moved the corpse to bury their own contracting potatoes Tanaka. The same day, he calmly to the county to sell jelly, and alias "cover small days" false police transferred the investigation sight. That night because of fear, he did not dare to sleep at home, in the county side to find a place to sleep on the cement board one night. Qi former boss with the words: "fear of being found out regret dead, a night without sleep!"!
Qi boss identified, the police a few hundred meters away from the murder scene dug potatoes in a homogeneous two small bodies. The forensic identification, Qi two small lines of skull fractures, brain damage and death.
In the detention center, together with the boss and his brother's side elaborate "scores", while extremely regret to say, "so worth it! Ye referred to this point ......"
Yesterday, police line Tang Qi boss suspects the arrest, at present, the case is under further investigation.
(Paper party pseudonym)

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