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注册 2014-10-30
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发表于 2014-10-30 17:45  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
■ on site

When June 12 at 3 pm,http://www.c-vtalk.com/thread-5801-1-1.html, a 302 bus traveling north along the four streams Road South to Huaiyang Road junction, suddenly lost control and crashed into a roadside wall, dozens of passengers in the car suddenly fell seven eight crooked. Originally,hogan outlet milano, before the incident in a white car coming from the four streams Road, north to south, turn left at the intersection suddenly ready to enter the Huaiyang road, the bus steering wheel too hard to escape the car, because the speed is too fast, lost control hit the road Park right side of the wall. The accident resulted in a number of passengers on the bus were injured, including 12 passengers were taken to a nearby hospital emergency vehicles,http://www.hkbjxyh.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=155711, in addition to many passengers went to the hospital for treatment on their own, but most of the passengers injuries are not serious.
■ on site
Car head into the wall,chaussures tn pas cher, the car has a blood
On the 12th at 3 pm, several people call our hotline reflected in the four streams and Huaiyang South Road intersection, a 302 bus lost control wall, the car injured.
Reporter heard the news rushed to the scene saw the accident bus still parked at the scene, the front of the bus on the side of the road is also a top wall,http://www.ycc360.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=14211, the front right side of the windshield broken into a spider. Shocking is that this has knocked the wall collapsed on the sidewalk dotted with large and small stones. It is understood that the wall is clear-channel within the park.
Bus company staff are handling the accident scene. "Traffic police have been here, now leave." Member of the public told reporters, when I heard that the bus straight to hide the car and crashed into a roadside park fence.
Reporters noticed some blood inside the bus. A little boy holding a female passenger told reporters that she was sitting inside the front position, when the accident happened her hands to support the body, so that the hand was injured. "Is some pain, bruising occurs, and this has nothing to minor injuries, I did not go to the hospital." She looked at the child's arms, glad to say, "Fortunately, the child was not injured."
■ sightings
Car accidents caused by sudden left turn
Witnesses Chen about the trouble: "I saw the bus straight along four streams Road, then north to south in the driveway, a white car suddenly left, you want to open the way to the Huaiyang, then bus to escape the car, it crashed into the wall. "while the other members of the public Mr. Yu lamented that, fortunately no one was on the sidewalk. Reporters noted that the incident did not signal junctions.
Reporters want to find bus drivers to understand the accident,basket air max pas cher, a man wearing a red shirt is the bus driver said he shouted,http://bbs.tangwowo.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=15674, pushing reporters to reporters to leave, "it's okay with you, hurry up and go!" But the next public told reporters that the man is not a bus driver, "the driver is a woman, has let the police away, he is the bus company over dealing with incidents." is an interview with reporters, the bus started up,requin tn pas cher,http://www.zgksw.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=730151, attempt to pour out,requin pas cher, but added a few throttle failed to succeed. Subsequently, the two trailers arrived on the scene, and forcibly dragged out of the bus.
Reporters tried to interview the car driver, but the car driver was also taken away the traffic police. According to eyewitness accounts, the incident is a white sedan Beverly.
■ injury
Passengers injured leg red sandals
It is understood that after the accident, the bus had 12 passengers were sent to a nearby ambulance Qingdao Central Hospital. Reporters at the hospital emergency room to see most of the wounded. Many of the wounded calf injury has almost all swollen. A woman lying on a stretcher on board,scarpe hogan offerte, said her neck, waist, legs have pain, do not know in the end how the injury.
Also lying on the stretcher, another injured passengers on board, Mr. Chang, a lot of blood flow out of the right leg, the sandals are stained. How these passengers injured? "Sprains are generally caused by trauma and shock, most people are not very serious injuries, as well as checking the results of several people after injuries to wait out to determine." A medical officer said.
"Too scary!" Waiting for treatment in the hospital corridor passengers have lamented. "The reason may be the weekend, the car was packed with passengers, about sixty to seventy passengers." It was sitting in the middle of the car DING introduction, "was heard in front of the car it was 'ah' to gasp,moncler sito ufficiale, body Then tilt to the right,nike air jordan pas cher, passenger car left behind was tilted to the left to shoot straight. "Ms. Ding said,spaccio woolrich," and then 'bang' bang, buses a head arch to the wall, screaming passengers have Going forward,nike air tn pas cher, tossed away. "
■ argument
Car did not hit the turn signal bus speed is not slow
Sitting in front of two female bus passengers briefed reporters on the incident left a white sedan ready Huaiyang road cars to the left front has Abduction from the four streams over some of the South,http://www.inphic.cn/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=36709, "It appears that bike car is prepared in front of the bus Shui past. "
However, the bus full of passengers did not seem to slow down the meaning. "The bus driver in the intersection when it is too fierce to accelerate a handful left to catch before the car crossed the intersection, the results of grazing two cars occurred at the intersection." A female passenger said she was The driver was standing beside her emotional feeling impatient drivers on the road. "Along the way his mouth grumbling, the car was also impatient." The female passenger got a response saying the presence of the wounded, "is indeed open, quite urgent, we stood in the car always felt badly Akira . "passengers said.
After the accident, the bus company's staff of more than rushed to the scene to help police deal with the accident and the aftermath. In addition to being an ambulance brought the wounded, there are many passengers on their own to the hospital for treatment. Reporters saw at the hospital to interview the staff bus company in each of the injured passengers to check information and accompanying wounded examination and treatment. The cause of the accident, the staff member said, did not hit the white car in case of a sudden left turn signal when turning faster,vendita hogan, and virtually scratch occur with straight bus, the bus was the top a bit from the left , plus hurried escape to the right, the final result out of control onto the sidewalk.
It is understood that, according to the "Road Traffic Safety Law," the vehicle through no traffic lights,http://www.weitk.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=43835, when traffic signs,http://bbs.apkdy.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=5099, traffic markings or traffic police, the intersection should slow down and allow pedestrians and vehicles pass the first priority. While Article 52 clearly states that "Implementation of the Law on Road Traffic Safety Regulations", the vehicle through no traffic lights and no traffic police to control the intersection,sito moncler ufficiale, turn the vehicle shall comply with this provision allows the vehicle straight.
Edition text / Chart reporter Han Xiaowei Jing Yi



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