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发表于 2014-10-30 17:26  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

(Reporter correspondent Hao Wan Ling Qi) Hubei "two separate child" policy implementation, the "double single" couples to have two children on the program can simplify it? Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Municipal Health Planning Commission, in the future the city "pairs alone two children," Just follow the "stand-alone" policy approval.
The day before yesterday, friends "cloudy25" in the Yangtze River Network forum post office about her two children,Pl5s6vkCu2, "Procreation" tortuous experience. This reporter contacted the netizen Miss Xiong. According to her, she and her husband have only one child,KKYU8poy1p, a 7-year-olds,woolrich in saldo, last November, Ms. Bear unintended pregnancy, taking into account the policy allows, she decided to give birth to this child. After the Spring Festival them to submit materials to the communities and neighborhoods within two months did not want to 5 times be returned.
Ms. Xiong said that her father has died, and the parents' marriage certificate can not be found, and her mother had to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau opened a single proof that he has been single after widowhood. And Miss Xiong and her husband divorced and a few years ago, six months later remarried. They are also required to provide a certificate of divorce and divorce.
Originally thought that all materials are complete, the results of the street to inform them of family planning, according to the "double single" to do "Procreation" a lot worse material, you can now press the "stand-alone" conditions apply.
"Now 'alone two children' are let go, why 'double alone two children' still so difficult?" For some materials, Miss Xiong think we can then simplify some. Yesterday, the relevant person in charge of City Planning Commission Wei give a written reply on the current "double-alone two children," the accreditation details.
According to reports, the next pair of independence Second Child by simply pressing a separate policy for approval, one of the parents only need to provide proof of marriage and childbearing situation can be. "Procreation" approval procedures are the same, but reducing the parent's marriage and child rearing situation proof. Divorce and remarry,cGX46Hxkha, if the child has not changed the situation, simply provide proof of marriage and child rearing situation. In addition, two separate begotten two children and have two children there is no difference in the enjoyment of maternity insurance and maternity leave.
(Original title: "Double alone two children," according to "stand-alone" policy approval)



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