

标题: Fengjie
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发表于 2014-10-27 15:40  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

Chinese Commercial News reporter Zheng You,woolrich sito ufficiale outlet
?Chongqing Daily News earlier this year, because the gullible to buy a certain amount of books available in exchange for 1.2 million yuan of poverty alleviation funds,http://www.chinavsp.com/zh-cn/?action-viewnews-itemid-80,jordan pas cher pour fille, Fengjie, a village in the cumulative primary  textbook two million yuan, the report found that only fooled. Yesterday, reporters from Fengjie County Public Security Bureau was informed that,http://www.vfxjournal.net/blog/item/create_form/1,piumini peuterey outlet, in accordance with the clues before they cracked the implementation of state personnel posing as gang series of cases of fraud, involving up to one million yuan.
January of this year,woolrich in offerta, one claiming to be a serving officer of Fengjie county strange phone call Ding strong. "He said the village can help us fight poverty to 1.2 million yuan of funds." I thought I could help the village development,moncler junior,http://www.one420stop.com/BB/viewtopic.php?pid=101366#p101366, Ding Qiang promised other trading conditions, that is to buy a certain amount of books. In the next two months, the cumulative remittances 23,798 yuan, the poverty alleviation programs have been slow movement, Ding Qiang realized fooled.
After receiving the report Ding Qiang, Fengjie County Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade police investigation found that the  Tsubosato Wushan County has built a major crime suspects. May 1 at 9 am,http://kk882233.com/bbs/read.php?tid=24560,aire max pas cher,http://szbbs.sznews.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, Gong Xiaodong justice confession, the implementation of such fraud is "Yellow Pages", the boss surnamed Lai, but he was just inside the 5 in which an employee. May 2 am, in collaboration with the local police station, the police were located in one fell swoop Xingpu Lane Ninghai fraud dens destroyed, and arrested the owner and staff  Jian and  (the other two employees at large).
According  confessed after purchase from the Internet to enterprises, government fieldworkers basic information, they then posing straight pipe department or department heads,moncler veneto, to businesses and government fieldworkers sell books. Since the first half of last year,giacconi woolrich outlet, the country has implemented madness hundreds of telephone fraud, involving millions of dollars. (Text suspects were pseudonym)
Street vendors charge 100 yuan return phone calls the next day down 100 yuan
Chinese Commercial News reporter Zheng You
Chongqing Daily News a few days ago,http://bbswk.taozhi8.cn/showtopic.aspx?topicid=843561&page=end#lastpost, police cracked Dianjiang series fraud,http://asappropane.com/forum/profile.php?id=14930, three suspects charged in the form of the use of roadside stall phone calls back to the phone bill, defrauded more than 50 victims of more than 5,000 yuan.
Hu is Dianjiang county people. More than 10 days ago, after the county a station,http://naruto-ccg.comze.com/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=163303, I saw three claiming to be "North" between staff at roadside stalls were put up, next to posters: mobile prepaid recharge engage in activities, charge 50 yuan back to 30 yuan, 100 yuan back to 100 yuan charge, charge much more than get ...... Hu pay 100 dollars to recharge. Hu recalled, the staff then gave the phone number of a similar 11-digit number to let him call inquiries,nike destockage, call the voice prompt payment after success, also received a top successful information is 200 yuan. The next day, his phone was inexplicably shut down, a check bill, there is no successful recharge. Hu dialed 110 immediately.
Police followed the lead track, and soon the alleged fraud in Changshou District, Yao Lin three people successfully captured. As of the incident, the gang has in Otake, Sichuan, Chongqing Liangping, Dianjiang,site air max, longevity and other places crazy crime more than 50 cases,peuterey saldi, the amount of fraud of more than 5,chaussure jordan pas cher,000 yuan.
Currently, Yao Lin and other three people on suspicion of fraud, have been legally Detention, the case is under further investigation.
(Department of text characters pseudonym)



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