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发表于 2014-10-10 16:25  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

June 8, Wenzhou Lucheng District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Lucheng District Education Bureau jointly issued a notice, decided to open recruitment of 137 teachers, 82 of its teachers, kindergarten teachers 55.
According to Ms. Lin's expected that if she had enrollment through, so yesterday, she can sit in the examination room, to participate in the written test of recruitment of teachers. Unfortunately, bent as a teacher, but also specifically to test the Teacher Ms. Lin did not able to do so. Because she does not meet the academic requirements, was rejected.
Ms. Lin has a graduate degree, University of Nottingham,air jordan achat,http://www.web-display.com/index.php?item/create_form/8, why would not even register the reference is not qualified? Lucheng District Education Bureau and the People's Insurance Bureau of reply, because there is no "full-time" words on Ms. Lin diploma.
"Returnees" rejected candidates outside the primary school teachers
Ms. Lin,http://www.yanjiwenhua.com/read.php?tid=674844&ds=1, 24,http://ystza.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=22099, Lucheng District of Wenzhou people take the exam in 2006,jeans abercrombie abercrombie kids girls, Zhejiang University City College of New Zealand is international cooperation education classes admission, after completing a period of five years (the first two years and a half studying at Zhejiang University City College, after two and a half in New Zealand Waikato University student) undergraduate courses, the University of Waikato, New Zealand got a diploma. Subsequently,veste doudoune moncler moncler pas cher homme, Ms. Lin has passed the Graduate University of Nottingham Ningbo.
According brochures introduced by the University of Nottingham Ningbo, Zhejiang Wanli University and the University of Nottingham joint school graduates made by the University of Nottingham awarded diploma. Last November, Ms. Lin received a master's degree in Finance and Investment from the University of Nottingham,abercrombie and fitch and hollister hollister hoodies clearance, England, and last December 8 handled the Ministry of Education Service Center issued a "foreign academic degree certificate."
Ms. Lin has always dreamed of becoming a teacher, so in May last year also specifically admitted to the junior high school English Teacher. When she saw the Lucheng District of open recruitment of teachers after the announcement, excitedly zone together the relevant materials to the District Education Bureau, ready to apply for the post of primary school English teachers. Unexpectedly, the staff at the Department of Education saw her diploma and degree certificate after, but shook his head and said that foreign qualifications do not.
Ms. Lin asked why not,http://ygjsjylt.com/ygbbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=84066, the other answer, because this is not her full-time.
Ms. Lin said, was the staff that she was applying for primary school English teacher positions, calling for "full-time undergraduate college degree,http://www.pkpmba.com/thread-116031-1-1.html," and made no "full-time" in the name on her degree certificate and therefore do not meet the entry requirements.
In desperation, Ms. Lin call the National Ministry of Education Service Center,karen millen online uk, Center staff clearly told her, who issued the certificate of qualification shall be equivalent to full-time undergraduate college degree.
However, when Ms. Lin found Lucheng District School Board again, still not accepted. Council staff told Ms. Lin, after this recruitment announcement,http://bbs.tiqiu.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=53904,chaussure homme louboutin chaussure christian louboutin pas cher, a number of "returnees" to inquire,http://blog.tibetcul.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=335832, are also rejected.
Lucheng Department of Education: less "full-time" words will not do
Open recruitment of faculty positions,http://www.isjdlm.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=28983,skijacke moncler, why does marked "full-time" on the candidates to the certificate it?
Reporters view the Miss Lin presented by Ministry of Education Service Center issued two "foreign academic degree certificate", one of which read, "After verification, the University of Waikato, New Zealand, New Zealand Department of regular colleges and universities, Lin XX received Bachelor degree certificate shows that it has the appropriate qualifications, investigation and correct. " Another is also clear that "the University of Nottingham is a British regular colleges and universities, Lin XX received a master's degree shows that it has the appropriate qualifications."
Foreign universities cohabitation, regular students studying abroad will return on their own qualifications for certification.
But Lucheng District Education Bureau surnamed Pan Lands leader said she expressed sympathy for Ms. Lin's face. But Lucheng District teacher recruitment has clearly defined requirements to recruit "full-time undergraduate college degree," the graduates, Ms. Lin are overseas qualifications do not meet the requirements. The center recognized by the Ministry of Education certificate,moncler torino giubbotti estivi moncler, because fewer words "full-time", and does not meet the requirements.
PanXing leader said: "specific explanation caliber owned Lucheng District People's Insurance Bureau is the first time we encountered such a situation, it has repeatedly Lucheng District People's Insurance Bureau to consult,negozi online hogan hogan milano outlet, but the District People's Insurance Bureau's reply still must prove 'full-time. undergraduate degree ', there must be' full-time 'words. "
Lucheng Board of Education believes that they will certainly be the caliber of the personnel department and unity, which is impossible to break through the Department of Education career recruitment policies.
So certification meets the Lucheng District Lucheng District People's Insurance Bureau and the Department of Education provided if there is a unified template format it? In this regard, PanXing leaders said they do not know.
However, the reporter access to the "Wenzhou Lucheng District Education Bureau to recruit 137  teachers," the announcement was found which indicate the registration requirements: limit per person reported a job, full-time College Graduate Students also require undergraduate applicants,vente de chaussures de foot mercurial vapor vii, Postgraduate Studies by consistent and professional counterparts with the reported positions. Students should also provide the Ministry of Education issued by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly foreign academic degree certificate.
Ms. Lin has a graduate degree,baskets air jordan femme nike air jordan 7, University of Nottingham,air max pas cher 90 air max one rose, why would not even register the reference is not qualified? Lucheng District Education Bureau and the People's Insurance Bureau of reply, because there is no "full-time" words on Ms. Lin diploma.
(Original title: Wenzhou female returnees Broken Dreams "full-time")



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