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in a deep coma

(Reporter Qiu Zhiqiang photo Liaocheng newspaper reporter Zhang Chao) passenger cars are speeding on the highway, the driver was sudden brainstem hemorrhage. On the 9th,http://www.weilaikejicheng.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, this breathtaking scene took place on the high-speed economic chat. Passengers panic of the occasion, the driver awake Song Yang with the last vestiges of the emergency brakes, the car parked in the emergency lane, the 33 passengers pulled back from the dead line. As of press time,http://36.01ny.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3559907, Song Yang dying still in the rescue.
Song Yang driving a bus on the 9th morning departure by bus bound for Jinan, Liaocheng, carrying 33 people. At 9:40 or so, a large high-speed passenger line to the economic chat at 62KM + 600M,woolrich outlet, Song Yang body appear strange.
In the afternoon,http://howtobeabeautyblogger.com/activity/p/68295/, several officers involved in the rescue of the road,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, told reporters, according to passengers recalled, when the territory of large passenger line to the Chi-ping, the driver suddenly felt unwell,hollister sale, shouting,lancel soldes, car many passengers panicked children. The occasion of the death line, with the last driver awareness, turn the steering wheel to the outside lane and emergency slam the brakes,http://www.magiyy.com:30006/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2299232&fromuid=80498,hogan outlet, the bus stopped at the emergency lane ramp. When the car stop,hogan outlet,http://www.35kn.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=37607, passengers view forward, found the driver vomit foreign body, has lost consciousness.
Since the exposure on the highway, there is no obvious landmarks,abercrombie france, passenger cars can not give full 120 provides accurate rescue locations. One side is dying bus driver, while the panicked passengers,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, a car people in trouble.
After a few minutes,air max pas cher, just to inspect road officers discovered so far passenger car.
"At that time bus parked on the roadside, we thought it was illegal to carry passengers, approached the inventory, found that the situation wrong." 9 pm, Franciscan chat highway patrol two political Battalion squadron Yang Jiwei recalled that when they opened the door and found the driver mouth spit foreign body, covered with convulsions, initially thought it was a seizure, they call 120 the exact site of the incident report.
120 ambulance then arrived,moncler outlet, the incidence of drivers Chiping People rushed to the nearest hospital. 11:30,abercrombie france, rescue buses also rushed to the scene,http://www.pigbiz.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=368149, the 33 passengers safe load from shock.
In the afternoon, in Chiping County People's Hospital intensive care unit, the reporter saw the driver Song Yang. Song Yang at this time still in a coma, relying on ventilator to maintain, instrument display, its vital signs are extremely weak. Physician Sangzhao Hee revealed patients 34 years old this year, confirmed by CT examination brainstem hemorrhage, in a deep coma, no spontaneous breathing, the situation is extremely critical.
More than 10 points that night,air jordan pas cher, Alexander Song Yang were immediately transferred to the hospital,woolrich outlet, ended at 0:00 on the 10th,louboutin, still in a deep coma.
Alexander the Second Hospital of experts said Song Yang rare disease, is to rescue.
(Original title: Large passenger driver brakes the instant onset)



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