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发表于 2014-9-25 17:21  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

Husband and wife divorce
Father fell biological children
News newspaper on January 17 due to divorce among other reasons, personally only son was born 11 months fell to the floor,http://bbs.39biz.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=210872, causing died. Recently, the Changsha City Procuratorate of intentional homicide prosecution for Wednesday red, the court conduct a hearing. Due to the significant complexity, the court announced that it will choose a sentencing date.
Father threw the child
The evening of February 19 last year, police received an alarm call, Zhen Wang Tong Sen Linhai city high tragedy occurred 27, 11 month old boy was high over his head and landed heavily on the floor at home, seriously.
Subsequently,http://bbs.16951.org/home.php?mod=space&uid=19710, the police rushed to the incident area, the child has been family hold on to the living room sofa, nose and mouth bleeding, have been unable to move. Was rushed to a nearby hospital, but in the end because she died. However, the child fell to the ground and died of lead is none other than the child's father on Wednesday red.
And next Wednesday, the Red did not give up,http://www.otttv.cn/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=418571, he took a knife and striking towards the mother from the coffee table. After hearing cries for help,http://www.yzhyw.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=550300, neighbors rushed to stop,http://www.zhijintuan.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=130689, and soon, on Wednesday red police control.
Origin of small bottles
Fuse event turned out to be a bottle. Wednesday Red confession,air max blanche et bleu nike 90 pas cher, the incident that night, his son Xiao-yu (a pseudonym) crying to drink milk, he would take their children to find a bottle at home, you can find for a long time but could not find,http://www.8264.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=39788609, sitting in the living room watching TV mother not only did not help, Instead of his cynicism. Wednesday red that is incensed own mother's taunts.
Hung said Wednesday, after the child is born, the mother's surname, since their own poor economic conditions, he has no formal job,http://www.languo.me/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=142073, a mother always felt that people look down on the door of his son. In this regard, the grandmother,http://www.tubie5.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=37778, said Xiao-yu, son Wednesday red like playing cards, and always look for them to demolition money, which makes the old couple very unhappy, and made her daughter and Wednesday Red divorce.
Wednesday Hung admitted that after marriage he often playing cards, lost out to work and earn the most money, but also take money from home with, and therefore had a conflict with his family.
Reporter Wang Zhifang Pan Xianxuan



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