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注册 2014-9-25
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发表于 2014-9-25 17:46  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

WASHINGTON Wu and his wife Wang from Lishui,http://www.handanluntan.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=14292, in Wenzhou Yongjia opened a shoe factory. Last year, the factory cash flow difficulties, the couple owed 201 employees more than 100 million in salary,http://ipccalgary.org/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=28&page=320, driving a Porsche sports car on foot the night.
Yesterday, Yongjia County Court to the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration, Wu and Wang of First Instance sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year 10 months and one year six months, suspended for two years.
October 2010, Wu and Wang Ou Industrial Zone in Yongjia County Industrial Park Jie Hao established tribal god of Wenzhou Shoe Co., Ltd., Wang Ren legal representative, general manager Wu.
Last year,http://122ba0bd.nimania.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=816&extra=, the company operating the poor performance, Wu began to Wenzhou,http://bbs.bh.gov.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=107513, some security companies to borrow money for cash flow. Last August 30, the day is still normal work Wu, fear can not repay the debt, the night shift the company's shoe,,scarpe hogan 2014 donna hogan sportive, raw materials and computers and other assets, and driving a Porsche car, with his wife and children fled to the Hunan Zhuzhou .
After accounting, when the two men go into hiding, the company's 201 employees owed wages totaling 109 million yuan.
Last October 25, Yongjia County emergency revolving fund to spend more than 40 million, plus the sale of the company's equipment resulting 37 million yuan, and Jie Hao Group to advance 28 million yuan, the company used to pay staff salaries.
January 31 this year, Wang surrendered to police. April 1, Wu and Wang repay the more than 40 million emergency revolving fund,http://www.cunshang.net/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=28712, and reached a repayment agreement with Jie Hao Group.
Yongjia Court held that, Wu and Wang,, together with methods such as the transfer of property and go into hiding to evade payment of employee compensation,http://wsd.lomza.pl/galeria/displayimage.php?album=174&pid=2384, the larger the amount, the government departments ordered to pay is still not paid, their behavior had constituted the crime of refusing to pay remuneration . Newspaper correspondent stone soldier stationed in Wenzhou newspaper reporter Xie Liang



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