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发表于 2014-10-20 22:24  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

People Hainan window January 22 (Reporter Wu Sheng Jing) left at 11:00 on January 21, Yusha Road, Haikou City, World Trade Center section, a white BMW sport utility vehicle parked in the middle of the road causing traffic congestion,619DzKEcR2, duty Police Association processing Shique young female owners were constantly abuses. Female owners also on duty Police Association clamor "What amazing, I must call someone to pick you."
It was introduced on duty Police Association pak, around 11:00 the same day, he and his colleagues at the crossroads of Haikou Municipal Public Security Bureau on duty, found a white BMW sport utility vehicle parked in the middle of Yusha Road, leading to serious road ITC congestion,nike femme air max, then go to understand the situation.
"After that time the scene and saw a BMW car parked in the middle,[/url], the name of double flash, the car sat two people." Xiao Tang said the driver was a very young woman, wearing sunglasses, while the co-pilot Older women sitting in one. At that time the window was not down, so they tap on the window asking pak case, wanted to talk about the driver lowered the window began after freak.
Xiao Tang said he told the owner of the vehicle can not stop in the middle, has a serious impact on traffic, stop and ask why. Mended face of police interrogation, the two cars are very excited, not only do not fit the driver still sitting in the car yells, said he stopped the car breaks down in the middle of the road, but did not place the warning triangle in the car. Driver accused pak chaos enforcement, poor attitude. The woman had sat in the copilot is emotionally off his mouth to say a lot of nasty words.
"Their attitude was very arrogant, abusive about ten minutes." Xiao Tang said the driver returned to the others played during calls, and angrily threatened to "Do you have any great, I will call someone to pick you." At that time,[url=http://mtlxw.hncy.cc/home.php?mod=space&uid=197165]
, many onlookers BMW driver yelling abusive police practices have accused that its parking improper unreasonable earlier, also blaspheming is not to abuse others.
According to China's "Road Traffic Safety Law", the vehicle should be parked at the specified location, for violation of road traffic safety laws and regulations parking, traffic violations can be pointed out and give a verbal warning, and ordered the driver to leave immediately. Pak so will report back to the police detachment command center. Eventually, the police called the BMW car towed trailer, congested road was restored flow.
It is understood that after the incident, the relevant person in charge of traffic police detachment also rushed to the scene, and actively seized of the matter.



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