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When a foreign propaganda late for his gild

Mention of illegal pyramid schemes, many people immediately think of "brainwashing", "offline", "capitation", "pyramid" of these words.
And later a use of its registered company in Beijing Tre Ville, together with Jiaomou and others to "Tomalin" health and wellness mattresses were props, weaving a new MLM network to obtain high returns as bait,http://jssc.21nowart.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=87503&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=258035, In just four months pyramid scheme involving up to several million dollars.
Not long ago, Shijingshan Public Security Bureau, according to reports from the clues successfully destroyed the MLM gang. This morning, Shijingshan Procuratorate to inform the media, has been delayed in the sales organization and Jiaomou a backbone, such as 4, on suspicion of leadership, organizational pyramid schemes crime to be arrested.
Formation of the team claiming credit for fictitious foreign partners raise his status
Hebei thirties later a man, is the leader of this gang of MLM is Ville Tors (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is the legal representative.
"His writing is very slow, and many words are not written, it may never graduated from elementary school." This major contractor from MLM off Zhenhai prosecutors said during a later arraignment,http://xspace.ss-wq.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=141329, gave his impression is not particularly smart, but Through the review of the case, can be seen later this MLM a gang has some organizational ability and control.
Later a confession, he's doing, "Tomalin" before the project, once done MLM, after he registered the Tre Ville in Beijing, had only to do the decoration, selling lamps.
Later, later had a hit when doing MLM friendships Xu (handled separately). Xu Chi certain strongly recommended to do "Tomalin" health product items, the two hit it off and began to carry out in Huilongguan, Changping District, pyramid schemes,woolrich giubbotti uomo, high-priced sales, "Tomalin" health care is and mattresses.
When a foreign propaganda late for his gild, said the company in cooperation with the United States Creative Co., whereby raise their status.
In fact, the United States is entirely a non-existent creative Ltd. company. Illegal activities of a company later soon attracted the attention of the local business sector,outlet woolrich roma, the business sector was severance.
MLM victims when the Beijing area manager
Later the company was unable to see a foothold in Beijing, place put the company transferred to Hebei,http://four-faith.v.suncco.com:88/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4745115&extra=, Beijing, but he did not give up this huge market, he identified a member of a field from a business woman Jiaomou to Beijing to be responsible for the Beijing area MLM activities.
Over 40 years of age involved in MLM before Jiaomou organization, Shijingshan District, Beijing model mouth runs a small shop.
Regional Manager of the Beijing process  for Villers Tre's very interesting. Earlier in the Changping Huilongguan later when engaged in a illegal pyramid scheme, Jiaomou a decoy in late Tre Ville has purchased the company's products.
Because it has never been late for a promised rebate, Jiaomou will return. A later had a long talk with Jiaomou after a final late persuaded Jiaomou. MLM originally Jiaomou victims and promised to cooperate with a late, as Beijing's regional manager Tre Ville.
Manageress no real power beyond the control of the rebate money
In this way,punti vendita woolrich roma, Jiaomou Cheng late for a re-layout of Beijing's an important piece MLM network. To make Jiaomou open market as soon as late  a back row of two assistants: Humou and Lee.
Guan Zhenhai Prosecutors say Jiaomou eloquent,http://bbs.dyqwl.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=66846, and quickly build MLM network up and running. Humou is responsible for the registration and membership information transfer, Xu is responsible for giving the delivery, Lee is responsible for teaching the rules and regulations and publicity.
Later a body, though not in Hebei contact directly with the members,moncler bady, but it can remote control with this MLM network, and conspiracy in Tianjin, Baoding, Hebei and other places also planted MLM network.
Jiaomou not directly to members of the development rebate in Beijing, but the membership information and money later be mailed to some, then return it by no later than a calculated rebate amount.
Collective turnover of a single business all commission members commission 40 yuan
MLM had experienced a late, well aware of the shortcomings of the traditional pyramid model: over-reliance on the "pyramid" single commission model, downline member commission percentage is very low, while the upper members are not enthusiastic.
So, late in the setting of a rebate system MLM nowadays a lot of work, and design a "collective commission" mode: Once a member, as long as the purchase of any one member of the company's products, all members have access to commission 40 yuan, And regardless of whether the members who develop over.
Chi also the risk of a commission to control the provisions of a member can extract up to 96 times, if you want to commission, you need to buy the company,http://bbs.gs0429.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=3495, "a single" product to be eligible again.
And if in the traditional MLM model,site air max pas cher, as long as there is performance off the assembly line, had its own commission, there is no limit on the number of commission.
Prosecutors resolved
The reason is called "a single" product, rather than a product, because of the "single" concept in Villers-tre's very special.
Guan Zhenhai Prosecutors said the purchase of the company's products are investment behavior, rather than consumer behavior, so we are accustomed to in the exchanges to express how much "single",giubbotti peuterey scontati, such institutions Ville Tors company established in Beijing called "Beijing declaration Center ", and Jiaomou, Humou development to the members are called" declaration staff. "
The company wants to become a member of Tre Ville, you need to buy a "single" Company "Tomalin" health care is or mattress, the price of 2600 yuan. According to a statement late MLM leader, the purchase price of these health products is very low, mostly only tens of dollars, up to no more than 300 yuan.
"Tomalin" new gang hierarchy pyramid schematic
First layer: Tre Ville later a gang MLM company's legal representative in charge of overall responsibility for operating capital and rebates
MLM Jiaomou, Humou, Lee's Beijing declaration Tre Ville center executives MLM gang responsible for organizing the Beijing area: The second layer
Third layer: Tre Ville declaration staff members of the company itself also buy products from the company while developing offline
Fourth layer: Member Ville Tors members of the company to buy products from the company expects the rebate but do not develop offline
Comparison of traditional and new MLM model
Usually members of collective madness brainwashing closed
Membership requires development of offline crazy
Earn from downline who "capitation",http://www.the4um.net/thread-2917116-1-1.html, as long as there is performance off the assembly line, had its own commission, there is no limit on the number of commission
The new
Engage in "magical rich class", adopted a one-trick-style propaganda
Stressed that the investment cycle, not force development off the assembly line
"Collective commission",basket nike air max pas cher homme, a single business transaction, all members have to take commission, but limit the extraction 96
Decoy traps
Emphasizes the development cycle of investment can not be forced off the assembly line
Like any illegal pyramid scheme, Jiaomou, Lee and other MLM backbone customers also weave a beautiful "get rich quick myth."
And illegal activities common in the South "collective madness closed brainwashing" is different from the center of Villers Tors company Beijing declaration does not engage in "magical rich class", but mainly one-trick-style propaganda.
Guan Zhenhai Prosecutors said the gang of customer claims, as long as 2600 yuan cast a single company can get membership, not only can get low-cost or free health care products company, and a week or so will be able to get high rebates, every single back to 1160 yuan.
Jiaomou, who also promised, as long as the member does not withdraw the principal, would have been rebate. It is in such high rebates and fast return of lies to deceive, the many times the investment and draw others to invest.
In addition,woolrich scontatissimi, the gang with the traditional MLM gang there is a big difference - not "force" members to develop off the assembly line.
Prosecutors resolved
Jiaomou et al lure others to talk about when you start investing the money that is able to obtain investment returns, investing more and more in return, not mandatory membership offline.
Only members found that the company failed to honor promises to find companies to discuss that even ready to quit when Jiaomou other personnel told members should continue to invest in or to draw others to invest in order to continue to receive rebates,http://www.soeyip.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=114679.
Off Zhenhai prosecutors said, and now, a lot of people are aware of illegal pyramid scheme is the most important feature desperately development of offline, but in this case never MLM gang membership is not required to start off the assembly line, so many investors off guard, thinking that this does not a pyramid scheme, the results once joined to fall into the "trap."
300,000 yuan investment boondoggle
Often uncle is a more than 60-year-old retired worker. When in August 2010, the backbone of MLM gang Xu Chang uncle to introduce the company projects hype, said the company is very formal,moncler italy, as well as American companies as a partner, the company's project is a high-tech health care products,http://newhouse.0472fcw.com/apps.php?q=diary&a=detail&did=544049&uid=41154, make investments certainly not fooled.
In order to convince Uncle Chang Xu, also take their child for example, said:. "You see I have bought,rivenditori moncler, the company also has been giving me the rebate, you worry, as long as the money invested one hundred percent."
Some savings are often on hand uncle, under the instigation of Xu gradually move the heart, "Investment tech, large companies put money into the stock market stronger than it."
So often uncle first investment company will purchase 300,000 yuan Villers Tors products soon get rebates 58,000 yuan, often uncle one more look really rebates, and from 58,000 "profit" in the out 50,000 yuan to the company invested again, but then never able to get back rebates, let alone the principal.
Prosecutors resolved
And uncle often as victims, has verified there are 30, involving for a hundred million.
"The actual number of victims is much more than so many." Guan Zhenhai prosecutors said,basket air max femme pas cher.
December 2010, the company woven Tre Ville "rich mythology" shattered,moncler piumini 2012, members delays rebates, new members are less and less. Ultimately, the pyramid was the victim reported gang, the police follow it, quickly wiped out the MLM network.
According Jiaomou confession, the company has sold more than 2000 of at least one, this calculation, involving the gang over 5 million or more.
Police are currently on the pyramid criminal gangs for further investigation.
Prosecutors reminded
Investment can not listen to much flicker flourishes trap
For this new MLM cases from the contractor to the general public prosecutor Guan Zhenhai reminder, should hold the right to get rich first concept in today's increasingly competitive society, if someone gives you publicity can "flourishes", "get rich quick" You put his words interpreted as "This is pie in the sky in" possible?
Case, the minimum age of 26 victims, the maximum 71 years. From the age structure, 60% are over 50 years old; from professional point of view, mostly retirees and the unemployed, but also part of the insurance company and sell the company's employees.
"Most of these people are not good economic conditions, more eager to get rich quick, but more likely to be fooled." Guan Zhenhai prosecutors said.
There are many victims in this case just sent money, you'll regret it the next day, the prosecutor recommended that the elderly do not fully understand before investing in the project, be sure to keep family and friends talk about, not a person make a decision the next day make a decision.
Off prosecutor also reminded that once investors feel cheated, must be timely alarm, it was possible to recoup their losses as soon as possible, otherwise by encouraging gangs to develop MLM downline, only deeper.
Text / reporter Li Kui



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