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发表于 2014-9-30 16:37  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

Because trivia, married for 20 years, the couple divorced in anger.
Husband soon regret it, looking for his wife could not find, looking for her parents showdown also be rejected.
Under the grievance, people actually lit the house and brought to the old man poured petrol.
Jinzhou Heishan Xiaomou villagers and neighboring villages in 1993 Xiaofang married. The first few years of marriage, two fairly happy life, can quarrel over time became commonplace. In 2012, they are quarreling because of some household chores, angrily even went to court to lift the marital relationship.
Shortly after the divorce,hollister uk phone number hollister shirts, there are many Xiaomou reflect on their own fault, so repented, he began to inquire about the whereabouts of Xiaofang and repeatedly go out looking, hoping to get an understanding for Xiaofang remarried. But unfortunately also failed to find more than six months, which makes Xiaomou very depressed.
January of this year, the former wife's parents came home Xiaomou to illustrate the idea of ??two old they want to remarry, and to hope that they help find Xiaofang, a "reunion." Do not want this request was rejected for the elderly, "since you have been divorced, and have to do with us?"
Met a setback Xiaomou more depressed, he thinks former wife's parents in his complex and deliberately obstruct Xiaofang. The evening of January 18, the near collapse of Xiaomou finally went to the extreme. He prepared a plastic bucket of gasoline and a wood saw, went straight to the former wife's parents home. Father entered the room with the original showdown. "Today you have to tell me the whereabouts of Wang Xiaofang, or I'll die in your home." Xiaomou threatened two elderly people. "How do you do this rogue?" Two old refuses to tell the whereabouts of his daughter. Request again refused, Xiaomou suddenly Chung on anger, he used to carry wood saw will be fitted cut open plastic barrels of gasoline, gasoline spilled on the ground after the house lit with a lighter. The two old people hurried toward the outhouse to seeing. "I want you to die." Before Xiaomou catch, turn the barrel the rest of the gasoline spilled on the old man. But then it was the neighbors who heard uniforms. After the incident, Heishan County Public Security Bureau to commit arson Xiaomou be arrested.
Recently, Heishan County People's Court to close the case after a public hearing of the case. The court held that because of personal matters Xiaomou to set fire to others in the form of retaliation, had not resulted in serious consequences, but endanger the public safety, his behavior constituted the crime of arson. In view of the defendant Department of a first offense, a good attitude, can their sentences. Final judgment to imprisonment for three months.
Nicholls Yuan Jin Songliao Shen Evening News, Jinzhou reporter Cao Yang Bei Guo mission



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